Ways To Keep Your Heart Healthy, Happy And Fit Even While Managing Hypertension

Hypertension significantly impacts the quality of an individual’s life. There is however no need to worry as if you follow the right approach, this condition can be managed effectively, thus letting you lead a very fulfilling life. As someone who has personally been managing the condition for years and with a lot of study done in the subject, I will share my practical strategies to keep your heart healthy, happy and fit even while you navigate the challenging condition of hypertension.

Knowing Hypertension Before Making Lifestyle Modifications

It is best to essentially understand what hypertension is before you learn about implementing some lifestyle modifications. As a chronic condition which is characterized by persistently elevated levels of blood pressure, hypertension can risk damage to arteries. This can lead to heart disease, stroke as well as kidney problems. There could be other serious health conditions resulting from hypertension and thus managing the condition and alleviating its symptoms is imperative for any individual.

Why Do You Need To Regularly Monitor Blood Pressure At Home With An Omron 10 Series BP Monitor?

The first and foremost step in managing hypertension is to measure your blood pressure regularly. Home blood pressure monitoring with an Omron 10 series blood pressure monitor is a vital component of managing hypertension and when you do so, you can:

  • Notice the changes or irregularities in your blood pressure overtime. 
  • Adjust your medication or fine tune it based on your home readings and also upon recommendation from your doctor. 
  • Understand your condition better to take control of your health. 
  • Lower the anxiety levels and reduce stress.

Here Is How To Modify Your Lifestyle To Maintain A Healthy Heart

  • It all starts with diet. It is usually said that you are what you eat and hence adopting a heart-healthy diet is imperative to manage hypertension. The most imperative element of the same is to limit your sodium content and you can do this by reducing the intake of processed foods and restaurant meals. You must also consume plenty of fruits and vegetables which contain potassium. Opting for brown rice and whole wheat breads while avoiding red meat or fried foods can help manage hypertension better. If you drink alcohol, you should do so in moderation. 

  • Apart from the diet, regular exercise which could be a moderate intensity workout performed for at least half an hour on most days of the week could help alleviate the condition of hypertension. You can choose any activity as per your preference as workout, whether its walking, running dancing or cycle. I would suggest you indulge in whatever you enjoy and whatever keeps you motivated. If you fear that an exercise will affect your joints, do consult with your doctor to know the best suitable workout exercise for you. 
  • Stress is a huge factor in managing hypertension among many other conditions. You must try meditation or deep breathing and try to get ample sleep of good quality. You must also prefer a social lifestyle where you spend time socializing and keeping yourself involved in positive activities. If you are a smoker, you must ditch it as this can significantly enhance your cardiovascular health and hence reduce your risk of complications. 
  • You must maintain a healthy weight. This can be achieved by combining proper diet and regular exercise. You must avoid fatty foods and prefer home prepared meals with appropriate calorie content.

These strategies and also through frequent observation of blood pressure at home made possible with the Omron 10 series blood pressure monitor from All Care Store, you can find significant relief from hypertension and its conditions.


In order to manage hypertension as a lifelong journey and in helping make informed decisions, adopt healthy habits and prefer the 10 series upper arm blood pressure unit from All Care Store which gives accurate readings to let you manage your condition better and hence reduce your risk of heart related complications. Inspire yourself to make the necessary changes so as to help maintain a happy and healthy heart even when you are experiencing the condition of hypertension.

10 series upper arm blood pressure unitOmron 10 series blood pressureOmron 10 series blood pressure monitor

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