Maximize Hand Care with Moisturizing Cotton and Gel hand gloves

Very few of us know about the incredible benefits of using specialized cotton hand gloves for hand skincare. For obtaining sustainable hand care, cotton gloves are indispensable. They can make your skin supple and soft. Wear cotton gloves to maximize the results of applying hand creams and moisturizers.

Let's see how these gloves can give an edge to your daily skincare routine.

Why use cotton hand gloves?

Cotton is a natural fiber that is skin-friendly, breathable and hypoallergenic. Cotton gloves, made of 100% cotton, are suitable for all skin types. People with sensitive skin and skin problems can easily wear these gloves. Another advantage of such gloves is biodegradability and reusability.

Sometimes, these cotton gloves have a gel lining to boost the healing and repairing process of the skin. The gel slowly releases natural oils like jojoba, avocado and olive to smoothen the hand skin. One can find the visible results are evident within hours. Such gloves are Gel Ultimates Moisturizing Gloves. Additionally, it provides deep nourishment to the skin.

Perks of using Cotton hand gloves

Helps with skin conditions

These gloves are designed to lock the moisture and prevent the drying of the skin. So, they deliver relief and speed up healing in people with conditions like eczema.

Amplifies the effect of skincare products

By gently covering the skin, they increase the absorption rate of lotions, creams and moisturizers after application. Plus, they protect your skin from injuries and don't let the lotions or creams wipe away.

Avoid staining your bedsheet

Another advantage of these gloves is avoiding staining your favorite bed sheets due to skincare products.

How to use cotton hand gloves

Adding cotton hand gloves to your daily skincare routine will render your hand's skin soft and supple. To maximize the results, you should keep a few points in your mind.

Start with washing your hands with soap or a cleanser to remove all the dirt. Then, take a generous amount of moisturizer and apply it to your hands. Avoid using moisturizer or hand cream with harmful chemicals. After applying the moisturizer, wear gel or cotton gloves. Don't wear gloves that are too tight or too slack - but the normal fit. The final step is to keep your gloves on for at least 30 minutes or preferably overnight.

The next day, remove the gloves to see the rejuvenated and hydrated hand skin.


Make a nourishing addition to your hand skincare by selecting cotton hand gloves. Gel Ultimates Moisturizing Gloves are a more reasonable choice with their repairing gel loaded with natural oils. Remember to incorporate the healthy skincare routine discussed above to get the best out of cotton hand gloves.

Looking for hand gloves online from a trustworthy site and at an affordable rate? Then these  hand gloves can help you get the shopping experience along with the best and premium products. Not only gloves find other useful products at All Care Store.

Cotton hand glovesUltimates moisturizing gloves

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