Ten things that you probably didn't know about oxygen concentrators

Oxygen concentrators are vital for people with respiratory issues. They act as lifesavers for those struggling with breathing issues. You might have heard about oxygen concentrators. But are you aware of the lesser-known facts about these amazing machines? Keep reading to find out.

What is an oxygen concentrator?

Standing close to an oxygen concentrator, you can hear the gentle humming that supplies air with concentrated oxygen to the patient. This machine works by filtering out nitrogen from the air, so the air you get is 90 to 95 percent pure oxygen.  

Here are some facts that might intrigue you:

Fact 1: Oxygen concentrators aren't exclusive for severe lung conditions.

Yes, you can use it for sleep apnea, asthma, or even to boost your athletic performance during training.

Fact 2: They cost less than oxygen tanks.

This fact seems counter-intuitive, but it's true. Over time, oxygen concentrators become more economical. It's because you don't have to refill them like oxygen tanks. 

Fact 3: No oxygen is stored in it.

They take in air, filter out nitrogen and then deliver the oxygen-rich air to the user. So, the oxygen supply is endless with the tension of refills.

Fact 4: They have portable versions.

Portable versions can make your trip convenient without any mobility restraints.

Fact 5: Different types of oxygen concentrators based on oxygen purity percentage.

Oxygen purity for an oxygen concentrator is different for different models. It can be between 87 to 95 %. So, don't hesitate to discuss this with your healthcare provider before purchasing any oxygen concentrator.

Fact 6: Insurance companies might not cover for you.

You should verify if your insurance covers oxygen concentrators. Not all insurance policies include oxygen concentrators in their coverage. So, ensure this before making any purchases.

Fact 7: Not all oxygen concentrators are not quiet

Some models are very quiet while others make a humming noise. In the meantime, this might not affect you. But during the night, your sleep quality may be affected. Take this into consideration before going for any models.

Fact 8: They might increase your electricity bills

Oxygen concentrators operate on electricity. This might increase your bills. So, always opt for energy-efficient models.

Fact 9: You might not require prescriptions

Some of the oxygen concentrators don't require prescriptions for making a purchase. For instance, portable concentrators don't need prescriptions. Such concentrators find their use in special circumstances. You can use them for altitude sickness.

Fact 10: Routine servicing is crucial

Similar to any machine, these concentrators require regular maintenance for smooth functioning.


So, now you have all the facts with you. We hope this has helped you gain better insight into these machines. If you are considering buying one then you may want a reliable and trusted site. All Care Store is dedicated to delivering premium oxygen concentrators and other medical essentials. 

Oxygen concentrators

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